About Dialogue


Musical Dialogue of Religions


Respectfully and with heartfelt tolerance, differences in faith, worldviews and attitudes ring out and are brought to life through music. Six voices, each vastly different from the other, represent the various religions in solo, duo and as a choir. They are overlapping, interlocking and tell their stories of common existence through the medium of sound. Hindu traditions, Hebrew, Sephardic and Yiddish songs, Byzantine orthodox chants, Quran recitations, catholic medieval lauda and motets, Russian and Bulgarian religious folk songs, Arabic mystic poetry and religious chants will be heard together. Thus the differences as well as the intertwined histories become tangible. An atmosphere is created in which the various voices begin a relationship both dynamic, considerate and and distinguishable (diakritos).

Guided by the experience of a mystic who, reading and interpreting, transcends the outer appearance of the sacred text, the inter religious dialogue aims to free the monotheistic traditions of the age-old musical languages of their liturgies from isolation and let them be heard together.

Now chants and prayers from Hinduism will enrich our dialogue both musically and in terms of content.