Ellen Hünigen

Ellen Hünigen Berlin Ellen Hünigen is a composer, singer and musicologist and performs as a clavichord player. She was a master student for composition with Friedrich Goldmann, had singing lessons with Joachim Vogt, attended courses for harpsichord and clavichord and specialized in medieval and renaissance music. She studied musicology at the Humboldt University in Berlin […]

Polina Proutskova

Polina Proutskova  St. Petersburg – Berlin – London   As an ethno-musicologist and singer, Polina Proutskova researches Russian and Ukrainian traditional polyphony and leads vocal ensembles in Berlin and London. As a computer scientist, she studies the singing voice in different cultures and works on its automated analysis. She heads the Singing Voice & AI international research forum […]

Johannes Schmelzer-Ziringer

Johannes Schmelzer-Ziringer Österreich – Berlin The musical curriculum vitae of Johannes Schmelzer-Ziringer is abundant and combines manifold experiences: Choral music (Renaissance), as a cantor and organist, in numerous band formations, with the music of the Middle Ages (Gregorian chant, early polyphony, organum improvisation), with Byzantine church music, the sung ancient Greek drama, with experimental music […]