Musical Dialogue of Religions
Jewish - Christian - Muslim - Hindu
Welcome to this dialogue of vocal music and prayer for peace!
November 18th, 2023
at 7:00 p.m
in der St. Marienkirche
(Alexanderplatz, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 8, 10178 Berlin)
in cooperation with the House of One we will pray and sing with:
Rabbi Dr. Andreas Nachama
Imam Kadir Sanci
Pastor Gregor Hohberg
Sechs solistische Stimmen werden im Ensemble Diakritos die über Jahrhunderte gewachsenen Traditionen aus der Isolation zum gemeinsamen Erklingen bringen:
Anne-Lisa Nathan, Deniza Popova, Ellen Hünigen, Elisabeth Rudi, Ravi Srinivasan, Youssef El Tekhin
DIAKRITOS is not an ensemble in the usual sense. The diverse backgrounds of the singers and their voices blend to create a new sound, enabling their varied beliefs to converse through music and inviting the listener to share a new level of perception. The soloists represent the religions – alone, in pairs or a s a group. Their voices overlap, intertwine and tell the story of their shared existence in a sound space. Hindu and Buddhist prayers, Hebrew, Sephardic and Yiddish songs, Byzantine Orthodox chants, Koranic recitations, Catholic medieval lauds and motets, Ukrainian and Bulgarian religious folk songs, Arabic mystical poetry and Muslim chants will be heard. Both the differences and their shared history will become noticeable.
The meeting creates an atmosphere of tolerance and respect in which the songs enter into a dialogue dynamically, considerately and distinctly (diakritos) through their religious beliefs and their old musical traditions. They sing about how people of faith and atheists are willing, despite all the hostility we see in the news today, to believe and to strive for peace, tolerance and understanding.
Weitere Informationen: https://dr-deniza-popova.de/de/diakritos/