Elisabeth Rudi

Auf einer russischen Insel namens Sachalin, nahe bei Japan, geboren und aufgewachsen, kam Elisabeth früh in Kontakt mit der Musik. Seit ihrem siebenten Lebensjahr besuchte sie die folkloristische Abteilung der dortigen Musikschule und trat als Solistin in diversen Konzerten und Tournees mit dem Volksliederensemble auf, u.a. durch Japan. Elisabeth ist Spezialistin im Gesang, im Volkstanz […]
Anne-Lisa Nathan

Anne-Lisa Nathan Paris – Berlin Anne-Lisa Nathan was born in Paris and lives in Berlin and in both cities she studied singing. She was a master student of Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau and Aribert Reimann. Opera productions, world premieres and guest performances have taken the mezzo-soprano across Europe, and time and again to Berlin stages. In 2008 her CD […]
Youssef El Tekhin

Youssef El Tekhin Damaskus – Berlin Youssef el Tekhin is one of the few musicians dedicated to authentic Arabic music. His training on Arab percussion instruments took place in Damascus and his studies in classical Arab rhythm theory at the Music Academy in Cairo. He works with percussion and recitation in various contexts and he […]
Deniza Popova

Biografie Deniza Popova singt, was sie erforscht! Sie wurde in Plovdiv (Bulgarien) geboren und ist in Rostock aufgewachsen. In Berlin studierte sie Gesang/Musiktheater (Hochschule für Musik „Hanns Eisler“) anschließend Musikwissenschaft, Musikethnologie und Bulgaristik (Humboldt-Universität / Freie Universität). Ihre Magisterarbeit, Byzantinische Kirchenmusik. Untersuchungen zum Osterkreis im Bačkovo-Kloster (Bulgarien), fußt auf jahrelanger Feldforschung. Sie promovierte über Authentizität, […]
Ravi Srinivasan

Ravi Srinivasan Singapur – London – Berlin Ravi Srinivasan is a percussionist and vocalist who performs worldwide as a soloist and has worked with orchestras and institutions such as the Berliner Philharmonics, the National Opera of Iceland, National Centre for the Performing Arts, Mumbai, German National Theatre in Mannheim and many more. He studied classical […]
Ellen Hünigen

Ellen Hünigen Berlin Ellen Hünigen is a composer, singer and musicologist and performs as a clavichord player. She was a master student for composition with Friedrich Goldmann, had singing lessons with Joachim Vogt, attended courses for harpsichord and clavichord and specialized in medieval and renaissance music. She studied musicology at the Humboldt University in Berlin […]
Polina Proutskova

Polina Proutskova St. Petersburg – Berlin – London As an ethno-musicologist and singer, Polina Proutskova researches Russian and Ukrainian traditional polyphony and leads vocal ensembles in Berlin and London. As a computer scientist, she studies the singing voice in different cultures and works on its automated analysis. She heads the Singing Voice & AI international research forum […]
Johannes Schmelzer-Ziringer

Johannes Schmelzer-Ziringer Österreich – Berlin The musical curriculum vitae of Johannes Schmelzer-Ziringer is abundant and combines manifold experiences: Choral music (Renaissance), as a cantor and organist, in numerous band formations, with the music of the Middle Ages (Gregorian chant, early polyphony, organum improvisation), with Byzantine church music, the sung ancient Greek drama, with experimental music […]
Veronika Massold

Veronika Massold Ukraine – Berlin Veronika Massold grew up in Ukraine and studied traditional Ukrainian music and culture at the College of Arts and Culture in Lugansk. In 2008 she joined the ensemble Polýnushka.
Stepan Grecov

Stepan Grecov Taraklia – Berlin Stepan Grecov was born and raised in Moldova. He studied theology, Bulgarian folklore and Byzantine vocal tradition in Bulgaria. Stepan has lived in Berlin since 2010 and has been a member of Ensemble Polynushka since 2019.